Jewish Concepts, Middot, Mitzvot, and Values
Ach'zariyut β Cruelty
Ahavah β Love
ahavat ger β kindness to strangers
ahavat chinam β unconditional love
Ahuv β Being beloved
Am bachir β Chosen people
anavah β humility
arichat sefatayim β orderly (thoughtful) speech
Atzlut β Laziness
averah goreret averah β each sin helps bring another
Avodah β spiritual service; work
Aymah β Fear
Azut β Arrogance
bal tashchit β do not destroy or be wasteful
bikkur Cholim β visiting the sick
binat ha-lev β an understanding heart
Bushah β Shame
Chanifut β Flattery
Charatah β Regret
Cherut β freedom, inner freedom, free will
chesed β showing kindness
Da'agah β Worry
dan lechaf zechut β giving the benefit of the doubt
devekut β yearning for / communion with God
dibuk chaverim β cleaving to friends
Eino Machazik Tova L'Atzmo β Taking no personal credit
Eino Samayach BeHora'ah β Not delighting in rendering decisions
emet β truthfulness
emunah β faith, trust (in ourselves, others, in life, in God)
Emunat Chachamim β Trust in the sages
erech apayim β slow to anger
Ga'avah β Pride
gemilut chasadim β acts of lovingkindness
hachnasat orchim β welcoming the stranger
hitbonenut β introspection, personal reflection
Hoda'ah -- thanksgiving
Ka'as β Anger
Kabbalat HaYisurin β Acceptance of suffering
kavod β respect for people, for human dignity
kedusha β making sacred or special
Keenah β Envy
kibud zekenim β honoring the elderly
lashon hara β gossip
Lev Tov β A generous heart
limud -- study
lo anochiyut β selflessness
lo levayesh β not embarrassing
Lo Maygis Libo B'Talmudo β Not boasting onf one's learing
Lomed al Manat La'asot β Studying in order to perform Mitzvot
Lomed al Manat Lelamed β Studying in order to teach
Lomed lishma β studying for its own sake
Ma'amido al HaEmet β Setting others on the path of truth
Ma'amido al HaShalom β Setting others on the path of peace
Machkim et Rabo β Sharpening the wisdom of one's teacher
Machrio L'Chaf Zechut β Influencing one's fellow to virtue
Makir et Mekoma β Knowing one's place
mechabed zeh et zeh β honoring others
Mechavayan et Sh'muato β Being precise in transmitting what one has learned
melacha β work, industriousness
middot β "measures", human qualities
Mishnah β Study of Scripture and Mishnah
Mitrachayk Min HaKavod β Shunning honor
mitzvah goreret mitzvah β each good deed helps bring another one
mitzvot ben adam lechavero β good deeds/mitzvot toward others
Miyashev BeTalmudo β Concentrating on one's studies
Miyut Derech Eretz β A minimum of wordly pursuits
Miyut Sechok β A minimum of frivolity
Miyut Sechorah β Moderation in business
Miyut Shaynah β A minimum of sleep
miyut sicha β minimizing small talk
Miyut Ta'anug β A minimum of wordly pleasure
nedivut β generosity
Nedivut β Generosity/magnanimity
ne-eman β loyalty
Nosay V'OlIm Chavayro β Sharing the burden with one's fellow
Ohev et HaBriyot β Loving all creatures
Ohev et HaMakom β Loving God
Ohev et HaMaysharim β Loving rectitude
Ohev et HaTorchachot β Loving rebuke
Ohev et HaTz'dakot β Loving charitable deeds
ohev zeh et zeh β loving others
Omer Davar BeShem Omro β Quoting one's source
ometz lev β courage
oseh shalom β making peace
Pilpul HaTalmidim β Acute discussion with pupils
rachamim β mercy
Ratzon β Willingness
rodef shalom β pursuing peace
rofeh cholim β healing the sick
ruach β spirit
same-ach b'chelko β contentment with your lot
savlanut β patience
sefer chayim β Book of life; one's fate; path of life
sever panim yafot β a pleasant demeanor
Seyag LiD'varav β Guarding one's speech
shalom β peace
shalom bayit β peace in the home
shalva β tranquility
Sheker β Falseness
shem tov β a good name, a good reputation
Shetikah β Silence
Shichechah β Forgetfulness
Shimush Chachamim -- Ministering to the sages
Shmiat HaOzen β Attentiveness
shmi-at ha-ozen β attentiveness; being a good listener
shmirat ha-guf β caring for our bodies
Shoayl U'Mayshiv β Asking and answering questions
Shomaya U'Mosif β Absorbing knowledge and adding to it
shomrei adama β caring for the earth
Sichlut HaLev β A perceptive heart
Simchah β Joy
simchat chayim β joy in life
Sinah β Hatred
Sinat chinam β baseless hatred
someach noflim β supporting the downfallen
Talmud β Study
Talmud torah
tefila β prayer
temimut β integrity, uprightness, wholesomeness
teshuva β repentance
tikkun bayit β repairing our family life
tikkun middot β repairing our moral life; upgrading our human qualities
tikkun olam β repair of the world, bringing wholeness healing to the world
Tikvah -- hope
tochechah β helpful rebuke
Torah β Learing
tsniyut β modesty
Tzayekanut β Miserliness
tzedaka β righteousness, "charity"
yediat ha-El β knowledge of God
Yirah β Awe
yirah β awe and reverence
Yirat Shamayim β Fear of heaven
Yishuv BeMikra β Calmness in study
Zechirah β Rememberance
zerizut β enthusiasm and diligence
Tzelem Elohinm β all are created in image of God
Tzedek -- justice