Translation: Heal us, O Lord, and we shall be healed; save us, and we will be saved, for the one we praise is You. Bring complete healing for all our sicknesses, [* at this point, you may interject a prayer for one who is ill, see above], for O God, for You are our faithful and compassionate Healer and King. Blessed are you, Lord, the Healer of the sick of Israel.
Note: Although there is no "magic formula" for asking for healing from the LORD, as followers of the Mashiach Yeshua we have faith that if we ask anything according to His will, God will hear us (1 John 5:14-15). Our Heavenly Father knows the number of the hairs on our head and is intimately familiar with all of our aches and pains. He knows us when we are hurting; He knows the nature of our pain perfectly; He alone is the only One who can truly bring us lasting remedy from our afflictions.
Relief from suffering is often a great desire within us. There are many who seek to escape from the pain by means of drugs, sex, fantasies, or other means.
Sometimes we are called to endure the hardship and carry the burden of unrelenting pain. Sometimes God lays upon us afflictions in order to humble us and bring us to the "end of ourselves" and to the end of our resources.... This is a hard discipline to be subjected to, and only God has the wisdom to impart such instruction to the human heart. Our responsibility is always to look to Him and be saved.
We should always strive to live and grow and flourish as long as God gives us strength. We need to remember that we live in a fallen world where death and decay are part of our present experience. We groan as we await the fullness of our promised redemption through the resurrection of our bodies. Yes, though the "outward man perishes," yet the "inward man" is renewed day by day (2 Corinthians 4:16-5:7). We must hold fast to our confession of faith and continue to believe that our true healing and everlasting remedy has been secured by the sacrificial death of Yeshua haMashiach on our behalf.
If you are enduring affliction presently, pray and ask the LORD to heal you. If relief does not immediately come, continue to trust that your Heavenly Father does indeed see you and will work all things together for your ultimate good and His ultimate glory.
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